
Galaxy Generation! — Tuesday, December 8, 2015

UPDATE TIME Hello Mjolnir fans, followers, and supporters. It’s been quite a while but we’ve got a series of great updates for you. We’ll be making a few more update posts over the course of this week following this one, each one slightly bigger than the one before. Several months back we began exploring methods for generating the massive playable galaxy for our main project, Galaxy In Flames. We’re proud to announce that after a lot of stress testing, iterations, hard teamwork, and ingenuity are starting to finally pay off. We had a great start with a billboard quad based […]

Galaxy Generation! — Tuesday, December 8, 2015 Read More »

Double time-reversal asymmetry could explain weird material behavior

Double time-reversal asymmetry could explain weird material behavior From ArsTechnica:   “One of the fundamental ideas in physics is the existence of broken symmetries. One famous broken symmetry is the Higgs mechanism, which leads to the prediction of one or more Higgs bosons. In materials, broken symmetries of different sorts lead to magnetism, superconductivity—and a bit of strange behavior that has puzzled physicists for three decades. In one particular material, electrons behave as though they are much more massive than usual, and respond very differently to magnetic fields.”   Read the rest here >>>     The article ends with:  

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