Your Full Name [required] Date of First Contact [required] Your Email [required] Your portfolio, website, Facebook page, or other web presence which you feel may help us make a more informed decision regarding your application. [required] Positions for which you are applying [required] 2D Animation2D Art3D Animation3D Art (Models)Concept ArtStoryboard ArtTexture Art General Development (Unity Development, etc.)Network CodingScripting (C#, JavaScript, etc.)Shader Coding Game DesignMission/Level Design EditingScript WritingWorld Writing Composition (Music/Audio)SFX/Sound DesignAudio EngineeringVoice Acting MarketingWeb DesignWeb Development Administration (CFO, assistant, etc.)FinanceHuman ResourcesLegalTeam-Lead (select with another option) How did you hear about us? [required] Tell us about yourself. [required] Please attach your resume. Please leave this field empty.